| 1. | How could she lie again on straw in a cold room and be contented ? 她怎么还能在这冰冷的房间里,躺在麦杆堆上过那种清心寡欲的日子?
| 2. | Specification for manufacture of sectional cold rooms walk - in type 人可进入的组合式冷藏间的制造规范
| 3. | We had never a moment to rest and only had a cold room to live in 我们从来也得不到一会儿的休息,并且只住一间寒冷的房子。
| 4. | Apparently , nero liked the frozen sweet so much that he had special cold rooms built in his palace to store snow 尼禄显然很喜欢这道冰凉甜点,以致在宫殿里建造了特殊的冷藏室来贮藏冰雪。
| 5. | Years of hard work , very little food , only a small cold room to live in and never , never a moment ' s rest 十年的辛苦劳累,经常食不果腹,住在一间狭小、冰冷的房子里,而且永远永远也没有一片刻的休息。
| 6. | His face was bright with the creative glow , though she shivered in the cold room and had been struck by the coldness of his hands at greeting 虽然她在这寒冷的屋里冷得发抖,和他握手时也感到他的手冰凉,他仍然满脸闪亮,洋溢着创造的欢乐。
| 7. | Multi - million - pound revamps typically include security and panic rooms , multi - room audio - visual systems , kitchens capable of providing hotel - quality catering with walk - in cold rooms and banqueting halls 耗资数百万英镑的修整通常包括安全密室、多房间的视听系统、可以提供酒店级餐饮的厨房(配备冷藏室)以及宴会厅。
| 8. | A proportion of the samples are sent to the epds environmental microbiology laboratory where they receive same - day analyses for e . coli , faecal coliforms , and 5 - day biochemical oxygen demand . the remainder of the samples are stored in a cold room before being delivered to the government laboratory , where they are analysed according to the 39 other parameters outlined in chapter 2 部分样本会送往署内的环境微生物学化验室即日进行大肠杆菌粪大肠菌群和五天生化需氧量分析,其馀样本则先存放于冷冻室,稍后送交政府化验所,根据第二章所述进行39项其他参数的分析。